Residency Forms & Documents
To provide adequate services for resident students and pursuant to California Education Code 48200, a student is expected to be enrolled in the school that is within the district in which the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) reside(s). Click here to read the required documents.
California Education Code (Section 48200) and District Board Policy 5111 require that a student be enrolled in and attend the school that is within the district in which the student's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) reside(s). This form must be completed, signed, and submitted with proof of residence.
The use of a Caregiver Authorization Affidavit authorizes a pupil who lives in the home of a caregiving adult that is located within the boundaries of our district to the designated school within the district.
In order to comply with residency requirements, parents who cannot provide the required proof of residence due to the fact that the parent and child(ren) are residing with a family in the Los Gatos-Saratoga High School District must complete the Affidavit of Parent Residence.
For Questions Please Contact our Student Services Admin Assistant:
Tammie Marshall -