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Student Device Policy

Student Use of Personal Technology on Campus

Los Gatos High School and Saratoga High School are BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environments, which were implemented to support students in the use of current technology skills and to promote equitable access. With BYOD, every student has full time access to the same laptop or Chromebook for use both at school and at home. Students can choose to bring a personal laptop or Chromebook from home that meets the requirements listed below, or they can checkout a Chromebook from the district. 

Per public school policy, we are able to assist families for whom the purchase of this educational tool may pose a hardship. Students needing a district-issued Chromebook should complete this form

Students are expected to bring their charged device to school daily for instructional purposes. This device will be used regularly in many classes to access Canvas, our Learning Management System, Google Workspace for Education and a variety of other learning tools and digital materials. 

As a district, we want to ensure that we prepare students to be successful in the digital age by providing them with the tools, skills and knowledge necessary to prepare them for success in college and beyond. We believe the BYOD program will help us continue to meet this goal.

Students and parents/guardians must adhere to the personal student device policy stated in the LGSUHSD Board Policies, as well as the LGSUHSD Student Use of Technology Policy. 

LGSUHSD Student Acceptable Use Agreement
LGSUHSD Board Policy 6163.4 Student Use of Technology
LGSUHSD Board Regulation 6163.4 Student Use of Technology
LGSUHSD Board Policy 6163.5 Student Owned Devices

Students should adhere to all classroom rules regarding the use of devices during class time. Student devices should have a Google and Canvas compatible browser installed and use their district assigned Google accounts when doing school-related work.   

Students should connect to the district’s wireless network. Instructions can be found on our district website.  The Los Gatos Saratoga Union School District is not liable for damaged, lost, or stolen devices.  

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Personal Student Devices on Campus
 Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Are there any specifications for the type of laptop or mobile device my student may bring to school?
 Students have the choice to bring their own device that meets the specifications below or check one out from your school library tech office. Our district uses Google Workspace for Education as well as the Canvas Learning Management System. Both of these platforms are optimized for Google Chrome. 

The computer should be a Windows/Mac laptop or Chromebook with camera and microphone, ability to connect to WiFi, and should have a battery that lasts 5-6 hours without charging.  iPads and other tablets that have internet access and can run the latest Chrome browser for use with Google and Canvas are acceptable.  Dell offers a student rate on certain devices. Apple also offers student discounts. 

Additional specifications:

Operating System: Windows 10, macOS 12.7 or Chromebook able to update to the latest released version throughout the year. 

Please do not purchase Windows 10 or 11 S mode devices. These devices only install apps available in the Microsoft app store. This S mode can be disabled for free, and thereby make your device compatible with the wifi, but once disabled, this mode cannot be re-enabled.

Web Browser: Google Chrome (ver 122 or higher) or Mozilla Firefox (version 123 or higher) required for optimal use of Canvas and Google Workspace for Education

WiFi: connect to LGSUHSD WiFi network 

Screen Size: 13" or larger screen is recommended.

Battery: lasts minimum of 6 hours without charging 

Recommended: Endpoint Protection (Antivirus, Anti-Malware) software

Students are expected to bring the appropriate charging cable for their personal device with them to school each day.

LGSUHSD expects students to adhere to our Technology Use Agreement when using a laptop or Chromebook during in-person instruction. As a reminder, use of any cameras, including those in electronic or computing devices, to photograph people without their written permission is prohibited. The district is in no way response for any kind of loss, damage or technical support of personal devices. 

Q: What if my student is in a technology focused course such as Digital Photography or Engineering ?
 The district makes every effort to keep the computer labs in specialized classes up to date, so if a student does not have a current device of the class lab caliber, they may use one in class. Additionally, Adobe applications are provided to all students enrolled in the elective courses that use them at no cost to the student. Students have access to their Adobe accounts through individual licenses both at home and at school.  We recommend a minimum of Adobe's system requirements should families want to purchase a device for home use while taking these courses.

Q: Does my student need to bring a device to school? 
 The expectation is that students bring their device to each class every day.  Although there were many challenges during the school campus closures, one of the highlights of distance learning was how quickly our district pivoted to remote learning using our existing Learning Management System, Canvas and Google Workspace for Education. Students and teachers successfully integrated the use of technology into their daily curriculum during this time. We continue to build on this foundation by fully implementing our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy on our campuses.  

Q: What if my student does not have access to a device?
 Per public school policy, we are able to assist families for whom the purchase of this educational tool may pose a hardship. Students needing a district-issued Chromebook should complete this form. They will be contacted by the tech department with instructions on when and where to pick-up a Chromebook.  

Q: Are there suggested accessories?
A: A protective sleeve or cover is suggested. This will provide more protection for the day to day use of these devices. A headset with a microphone is also useful so students can listen to audio without disturbing others. Please exercise caution when carrying laptops and other devices around campus.  

Q: Does my operating system include Endpoint Protection (Antivirus, Anti-Malware) software?
  Windows - Windows Security, which includes Microsoft Defender Antivirus, is built into Windows 10 and 11. Learn more at Microsoft: Stay protected with Windows Security. If you have a lot of sensitive information on your personal Windows computer, you may want to consider other endpoint protection software.  

Mac OS - Although Mac OS includes a number of security features (see Apple Platform Security), it is recommended that you also use endpoint protection/antivirus/anti-malware software.  

There are many good free and for-fee options available. Each year a number of computing and consumer websites review and compare current versions of endpoint protection/antivirus/anti-malware options. We strongly recommend installing Endpoint Protection (Antivirus, Anti-Malware) software 

Q: How can I connect to the Internet on my device?
 LGSUHSD provides a wireless network for student use while on campus. Complete instructions can be found on our district website.

Q: Will the district technology department or the teacher provide support for the devices that my student brings?
 If a student has problems connecting to the wifi or needs their password reset, they can visit the tech office located in their school library for assistance. All other technical or hardware issues are the student’s responsibility. District teachers and/or staff will not assist with any device related issues. 

Q: Who is responsible for any repairs or updates to personal devices?
Students and/or their families are responsible for their personal devices at all times. LGSUHSD Technology staff will not repair or update personal computing devices.  

Q: Who is responsible for damage, loss, or theft of devices your student brings to school?
 Students are responsible for the security of their own device. Families must stress the responsibilities their children have when bringing their own devices to school. Any devices students bring to school are their sole responsibility. LGSUHSD takes no responsibility to search for lost or stolen devices nor is there any assumption of financial responsibility by LGSUHSD for damaged, lost or stolen personal devices. We highly recommend using a password protected screensaver and turning on the "Find My Device" feature for Apple, Android and Windows devices.

Q: Will my student need to add specialized software for their classes?  
A:  We are only asking students to use Canvas and Google in the browser on their personal devices. Personal student devices may be used to take Canvas quizzes in the browser. Some classes may ask students to download other software (such as Adobe CS if they are in digital photography etc). However classes requiring specialized software have class sets of devices which students can use during school hours.

Q: When can students use their personal devices at school?
Students may use their devices during classroom instruction or when otherwise authorized by school staff provided that the devices are being used for academic purpose. Students may use their devices during tutorial, lunch, before and after school. 

Q: Will students be able to print documents from their personal devices while on campus?
Students will not be able to access printers on LGSUHSD campuses from their personal devices. However, students can print, for free, in the school library.

Q: I am concerned that my child will abuse the Internet and/or be targeted by strangers. 
 While connected to the Internet provided by the school, your student must pass through our firewall. Our firewall includes content filtering, monitoring and site blocking. If you are concerned about your child’s activity on the Internet at home and/or at school, you can purchase software which sends a daily email of your child’s activity on the Internet, including time spent at each site,  We also recommend installing Endpoint Protection (Antivirus, Anti-Malware) software on the device.