Project Workability is a job development program, funded by the California Department of Education, for high school students age 14 and older who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Job readiness, training and job placement are the primary objectives of Workability1 (WA1).
Students may self-refer or teachers and/or parents can refer their students to WA1. The Job Developer will meet with the student and sign them up for the program, with parent consent. The student may receive pre-employment training, including:
- Assistance completing job applications and developing resumes
- Interview skill training and the opportunity to participate in pre-arranged interviews with prospective employers
- Continued job counseling
- Job experience
- The opportunity to experience success in the workplace - often boosting self esteem
- For some students, supervised on-site work experience.
For additional information, contact Kristy St. George, Coordinator WA1, (408) 354-2520, x310
NOTE: If your child has an IEP, please contact your case manager.
WorkAbility services afford students with special needs an opportunity to gain experience in the work world while completing their secondary education program. The recent edition of the program's quarterly newsletter featured our own Matthew Lee from Saratoga High School...
Matthew Lee, a senior at Saratoga High School, lands his first paid job at CVS in Campbell, CA. Our job developer had met with Matthew to discuss job site possibilities and Matthew wanted to try out retail and informed us that there’s a CVS close to his house. Since Workability I already has a partnership with CVS and we have students currently working at other CVS locations in our community, we decided to connect to another CVS in the area. We met with the Store Manager, Lonnie Davis, who was more than happy to extend an opportunity to our Workability I program.
Arrangements were made for Lonnie to meet Matthew and have a brief interview, and during the interview it was found that both Matthew and Lonnie play string instruments. They hit it off immediately and Lonnie was very impressed with Matthew’s calm nature, intelligence and motivation to learn. Matthew participates in Orchestra and plays many instruments, is a very good student and a kind young man. Lonnie expressed his delight and offered Matthew the opportunity to work in his CVS store under the Workability I program with the notion that if all goes well and Matthew likes the job, it could turn into a direct hire placement.
On Matthew’s first day, Lonnie gave him a tour of the store and right afterwards, the job coach and Matthew were directed to straighten and face the merchandise on the shelves. Matthew jumped right in and got the job done. Essentially Matthew is learning to stock, straighten and face merchandise and communicate professionally. Although Matthew only started in November, he already feels comfortable and likes his job a CVS.
Thank you to Lonnie Davis and CVS for partnering with our Workability I program.
"Life After High School," co-sponsored by the Parenting Continuum and Kristy St. George of the district's WorkAbility program, shared stories about alternative pathways after high school. Hear student stories by clicking on the links below:
condensed version, 33:25 minutes:
2. Part 1 of 2, 41:52 minutes:…
3. Part 2 of 2: 42:20 minutes:…