Special Education
The Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District ensures that all students with specialized learning needs are provided with a free and appropriate public education. Our school sites are staffed with qualified professionals who work together with students and families to ensure that the educational needs and services are provided in the least restrictive environment. We are proud of the programs we provide and appreciate the efforts of students and families to maximize their educational experience.
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Once a student has been assessed, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting is held to determine a student's eligibility for services. Students may be found to be eligible in one of 13 categories:
- Learning Disabilities
- Speech and Language Impairment
- Deaf-Blind
- Visual Impairment
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Hearing Impairment
- Deafness
- Other Health Impairment
- Autism
- Multiple Disabilities
- Orthopedic Impairment
- Emotional Disturbance
- Intellectual Disability
Services & Programs
Students may receive any combination of services, based on their Individualized Education Program (IEP), including:
- Speech and Language Support - Speech and language specialists provide support for articulation, voice, fluency, and language disorders.
- Specialized Academic Instruction - Special Education teachers provide educational planning, special instruction, tutorial assistance, or other services to exceptional individuals in special programs or regular classrooms.
- Special Day Classes - Students are grouped with others who share similar instructional needs. Each class has a credentialed special education teacher and an instructional aide.
Adaptive physical education, nursing services, counseling support, behavior support, occupational therapy, and other services are available when a student's IEP determines this need.
Transition to Independent Living
Several of our programs assist with special education needs to transition to the workplace, independent living, and post secondary education or training.
- WorkAbility 1 - Workability 1 programs provide comprehensive pre-employment training, employment placement, and follow-up consultations for individuals making the transition to independent living.
- Post-Secondary Programs - This Community Immersion Program (CIP) provides services for students with disabilities who have completed high schools through enrollment and participation in an active college atmosphere; and prepares them for independent living, including work, leisure, and academics.
Contact Us with Questions
Please contact us if we can provide further information about Special Education, 408-354-2520 x239.
- Heath Rocha - Assistant Superintendent, Student Services
- Tammie Marshall- Administrative Assistant
- Amanda Schultz - Program Specialist, Los Gatos High School
- Dustin Carota - Program Specialist, Saratoga High School
Site Administration and Special Education Department Chairs:
- Michael Lozano - Assistant Principal (LGHS)
- TBD - Department Chair (LGHS)
- Matt Torrens - Assistant Principal (SHS)
- Brian Elliott - Department Chair (SHS)