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Graduation Requirements

The Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District has developed policies and procedures that address promotion and acceleration. Progress toward graduation shall be based on the number of credits earned. The class standing of the student is based on the number of semester credits successfully completed with passing grades of A, B, C, or D. 

Our ultimate goal is to assist our students to meet graduation requirements and support them in their pathway to college and/or career and beyond. Progress toward graduation is based upon the student’s ability to pass required subjects, electives and proficiency tests. At both Los Gatos & Saratoga high schools, students must earn a minimum of 220 units to graduate. It is extremely important for students to pass classes so that the student is not credit deficient and their graduation is not placed in jeopardy. Parents and students are encouraged to communicate frequently with counselors and teachers. 

Current Graduation Requirements


Los Gatos  


Applied Arts

5 credits

5 credits

English (4 years)

40 credits

40 credits

Health/Driver Ed


5 credits


20 credits

20 credits


20 credits

20 credits


20 credits

20 credits

Social Science

30 credits

35 credits*

Social Science may include:

  • World Geo or Ethnic Studies (5 credits)*

  • World History (10 credits) or APEuro @ LG

  • US History (10 credits)

  • US Gov/Econ (10 credits)


Visual/Perf Arts OR World Language

10 credits

10 credits


75 credits

65 credits


220 credits

220 credits