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School-Connected Organizations & Booster Clubs

The Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District welcomes participation from the community to support programs and activities inside both Los Gatos and Saratoga High Schools. These groups play a vital role in enriching our students' educational experiences through various activities and programs. Our goal is to ensure that these collaborations run smoothly and effectively, benefitting all involved. We view this as a cooperative effort, and we thank you for your commitment to our schools and students.

Guidelines for School Connected Organizations 

The Guidelines for School District Organization manual was created to support parent organizations and booster clubs that support schools and programs within the district. Additional information can be found in the "School-Connected Organizations" training materials provided by the Fiscal Crisis Management Assistance Team (FCMAT). Additionally, all school-connected organizations must adhere to Board Policy 1230 and Administrative Regulation 1230.

Both the site administration and the Business Services Department staff are available to support parent organizations throughout the school year. We look forward to collaborating with you.

Forms & Key Dates

(Coming Soon)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)This document provides essential information and guidelines designed to support and enhance our community partnership. Our goal is to ensure that these collaborations run smoothly and effectively, benefitting all involved.